We don’t think “sustainability" should be so complicated. We’ve said it before…. this word has become overused to the point that it has lost its meaning in consumer goods. There are too many companies using this word as a marketing ploy. They are looking for credit for being “Sustainable”, with a collection that is 1% or 2% of their total offering. The fact is, if they aren’t moving in this direction as a company in a serious change-minded way, they suck. It is only a matter of time before their customers figure this out.
The COVID-19 situation put this transition into hyper speed. Consumers are currently wiping down everything they buy with bleach wipes. Now more than ever, people want to know what they are buying, where it came from, what is inside? For Arvin Goods this is not sustainability, this is responsibility. Being “sustainable” should be the baseline objective of a company. If brands are not operating sustainably then by definition they won’t be here in the future. More important to us is being responsible and accountable. Responsible to our team, our partners, and our customers.
We see a basic problem for consumers. “I want peace of mind that the things I buy and wear don’t negatively impact the world around me. But I don’t know where to start.” We are trying to solve this, and make it easy with responsibly made products in three areas.
1- Materials - source and utilize the lowest impact, or “cleanest” materials available (recycled, organic, circular intentions)
2- Manufacturing - transparent partners practicing fair, and equitable operations in their facilities
3- Delivery and Experience - provide the best product experience we can for our customers
We can give you stats and info for hours, but at the end of the day the judge and jury are you the consumer. If you trust our brand, believe in our mission, enjoy our story, then you’ll buy our product. If you have a positive experience, you will tell your friends, and come back again. It is that simple.
As we come out of this crisis over the next weeks and months, remember that the power is in your purchase. Support brands, and companies that actually give a shit, have a plan, and will be here in the long run. Most importantly support the companies that are responsible in how they produce, operate, and interact with you.